week’s module centered around Resource-Based Learning (RBL). In the resource-based learning model,
the teacher and media specialist collaborate to provide a wealth of materials
students may use to help research a topic. Resources can be text, audio, or visual. “Resources incorporated into planned,
authentic tasks afford students opportunities to develop the skills and techniques
necessary to become autonomous, self-directed learners and effective users of
information” (Campbell, Flageolle, Griffith, & Wojcik, 2002, What is
Resource-based Learning? section, para. 4). These tasks are often parts of
projects that are then presented. Over
time, resources have developed, due to the availability of new technologies, to
include various modalities.
Virtual field trips, Skype sessions with experts, simulation software,
and educational games all have added to the pool of resources. “The goal is to teach students to find,
evaluate and use information to tackle the challenges they encounter along the
way” (Campbell, et al., 2002, Role of the Teacher in Resource-Based Learning
section, para. 1). There are many benefits and challenges to using RBL. Advantages include high levels of
motivation, developing information literacy skills, student freedom in
selection of resources, the ability to use computer simulations to carry out
tasks otherwise impossible, expanding upon higher level critical thinking
skills, and flexibility (Campbell, et al. Benefits of Resource-Based Learning
section). The challenges are found
in collaboration skills, valid authentic assessments, the reliability and
validity of digital resources, inclusion of all students, and support from the
administration (Campbell, et al. Challenges of Resource-Based Learning
this resource, Esch (2004) explores the concept of RBL in the realm of language
acquisition in five areas: defining RBL, a background in RBL, how RBL and ICT
relate in language learning today, RBL and approaches to learning, and current
issues and RBL. Esch (2004)
defines RBL stating that this method:
learning as a process which foregrounds the importance of the resources
available to learners and in so doing presupposes that the interaction between
the learner(s) and the resources (which may include human resources) is the
main structuring device of the learning situation. (Definition of RBL section,
para. 3)
Esch (2004) continues to discuss
the background of RBL in terms of cycles of resurgence in this
methodology. With the development
of technologies, RBL was used as a way to assist in distance-learning systems
(Background section). RBL is a way
of using information and communication technology (ICT) “helps one cope with
the sheer amount of information now distributed worldwide on networks and in
databases” (Esch, 2004, RBL and ICT section, para. 2). There are two cases in
which approaches to learning will affect how RBL is considered: one way is
student-centered, where students develop their program and the other way is
when teachers disseminate the same resources to multiple students in an aid to
face-to-face teaching. Esch (2004)
considers the issues in RBL in regards to learning materials,
individualization, learning and feedback, and the role of the teacher. The danger becomes the designer’s
viewpoint of RBL becoming too rigid in selecting learning materials, that
individualization can lead to isolation, that feedback is poorly structured,
and that the teacher may not shift well in his or her social role in learning
(Current issues and RBL section).
article complements this week’s module very nicely. All of the resources corroborate in defining RBL as offering
resources for learners to construct their own knowledge about a certain topic
or concept. Despite the resource
being about language acquisition, the discussion of the shift of the role of
teacher from instructor to guide is aligned with this week’s resources. Esch (2004) offers a great example of
an application of the RBL method in language acquisition saying:
offered by the Internet make it possible for learners to watch how language is
used, to carry out exercises, to interact with native speakers in a variety of
configurations and to participate in simulations as well as to have access to
explanations and feed-back. (RBL and approaches to learning section, para. 2)
Similar challenges were presented
in the module and this resource.
It is important as educators to guide the students in information
processing skills so students will be able to select reliable, appropriate, and
relevant resources. It also then
becomes important to think about the feedback that we give students in terms of
assessments. Assessments should
refer to the students’ ability to select resources that help them learn, as well
as the content knowledge and skills outlined by the curriculum. Ultimately RBL is a valuable learning methodology
that could be applied across a variety of subjects.
L., Flageolle, P., Griffith, S., & Wojcik, C. (2002). Resource-based
learning. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and
technology. Retrieved from
E. (2004). Resource-based learning. Subject
Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies Guide to Good Practice. Retrieved
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